This is a simple script to resize images with PHP. It uses the GD Library functions, and is currently not compatible with ImageMagick. It will automatically determine the image type and use the appropriate functions to resize.
* This class handles image resizing. It will automatically determine the image
* type and use the appropriate php resize functions. It uses GD libs and is not
* currently compatibly with ImageMagick.
* @author Seth Cardoza <[email protected]>
* @category image
* @package component
class Image {
public $name = 'Image';
private $__errors = array();
* Determines image type, calculates scaled image size, and returns resized image. If no width or height is
* specified for the new image, the dimensions of the original image will be used, resulting in a copy
* of the original image.
* @param string $original absolute path to original image file
* @param string $new_filename absolute path to new image file to be created
* @param integer $new_width (optional) width to scale new image (default 0)
* @param integer $new_height (optional) height to scale image (default 0)
* @param integer $quality quality of new image (default 100, resizePng will recalculate this value)
* @access public
* @return returns new image on success, false on failure. use ImageComponent::getErrors() to get an array
* of errors on failure
public function resize($original, $new_filename, $new_width = 0, $new_height = 0, $quality = 100) {
if(!($image_params = getimagesize($original))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'Original file is not a valid image: ' . $orignal;
return false;
$width = $image_params[0];
$height = $image_params[1];
if(0 != $new_width && 0 == $new_height) {
$scaled_width = $new_width;
$scaled_height = floor($new_width * $height / $width);
} elseif(0 != $new_height && 0 == $new_width) {
$scaled_height = $new_height;
$scaled_width = floor($new_height * $width / $height);
} elseif(0 == $new_width && 0 == $new_height) { //assume we want to create a new image the same exact size
$scaled_width = $width;
$scaled_height = $height;
} else { //assume we want to create an image with these exact dimensions, most likely resulting in distortion
$scaled_width = $new_width;
$scaled_height = $new_height;
//create image
$ext = $image_params[2];
switch($ext) {
$return = $this->__resizeGif($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality);
$return = $this->__resizeJpeg($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality);
$return = $this->__resizePng($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality);
$return = $this->__resizeJpeg($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality);
return $return;
public function getErrors() {
return $this->__errors;
private function __resizeGif($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height) {
$error = false;
if(!($src = imagecreatefromgif($original))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your resized image (gif).';
$error = true;
if(!($tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($scaled_width, $scaled_height))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (gif).';
$error = true;
if(!imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height)) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (gif).';
$error = true;
if(!($new_image = imagegif($tmp, $new_filename))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error writing your image to file (gif).';
$error = true;
if(false == $error) {
return $new_image;
return false;
private function __resizeJpeg($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality) {
$error = false;
if(!($src = imagecreatefromjpeg($original))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your resized image (jpg).';
$error = true;
if(!($tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($scaled_width, $scaled_height))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (jpg).';
$error = true;
if(!imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height)) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (jpg).';
$error = true;
if(!($new_image = imagejpeg($tmp, $new_filename, $quality))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error writing your image to file (jpg).';
$error = true;
if(false == $error) {
return $new_image;
return false;
private function __resizePng($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality) {
$error = false;
* we need to recalculate the quality for imagepng()
* the quality parameter in imagepng() is actually the compression level,
* so the higher the value (0-9), the lower the quality. this is pretty much
* the opposite of how imagejpeg() works.
$quality = ceil($quality / 10); // 0 - 100 value
if(0 == $quality) {
$quality = 9;
} else {
$quality = ($quality - 1) % 9;
if(!($src = imagecreatefrompng($original))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your resized image (png).';
$error = true;
if(!($tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($scaled_width, $scaled_height))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (png).';
$error = true;
imagealphablending($tmp, false);
if(!imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height)) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (png).';
$error = true;
imagesavealpha($tmp, true);
if(!($new_image = imagepng($tmp, $new_filename, $quality))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error writing your image to file (png).';
$error = true;
if(false == $error) {
return $new_image;
return false;
I originally wrote this as a CakePHP component and added it to the Bakery. The script is general enough that I was able to remove the few bits of code that were CakePHP specific. If/when the article is published, I will link it here.